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What’s Happening at Zion?
Zion Food Stand at Crawford County Fair
—Zion will be having a Food Stand at the Crawford County Fair again this year. The fair runs from July 17-24. Zion Ladies' Aid will be in charge of the booth and are in need of workers. Tasks for volunteering include: prepping food, baking and donating pies, working various shifts at the fair, donating food items, setting up and cleaning. Call the church office to leave your name and number and what you would like to do (712) 263-2235.
Vacation Bible School
—Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 10-13. This is for all Preschoolers (potty-trained) through those entering 6th grade. Time of VBS is 9:30-11:30am. Volunteers are also needed for teaching, teacher assistant, singing, crafts, snacks. Pre-register at Contact Gretchen Gosch at (712) 269-6640 if you have any questions.
Zion Lutheran Church unveils new website
—In everything under heaven there is a season. As Zion enters into a new season of rebirth, a new website is unveiled. Members and visitors alike are encouraged to utilize the site as an informational beacon for worship times, contact information, and much more.